Monday, October 14, 2013

The more you are, the more you get to...

Hey Guys,

I really found this to be true in life. The more you are thankful, the more you get to thank from life. The gratitude we feel when we are thankful for anything is immense. And it draws and attract the good things in life. For each we can be thankful! So you see it is a vicious circle and defines another saying - what goes around, comes around.

As for me i'm feeling this in many areas of life and i'm really thankful. It really makes feel that life's good :)

Have you ever felt this? What do you think on it?
Do write in comments and take care.

Some pictures for you, njoy!

Hanging together :)
Blooming beauty

Innocence O:)

In the field of life there are all kinds of people..

Happy window

Corner beauty
